Thursday, August 25, 2011

30 before 30

I have decided that as my 29th Birthday is rapidly approaching that I would like to make my last year of my twenties an exciting one. I don't want to look back in another ten years and realized I still hadn't gotten around to doing a lot of things that I have always wanted to do. I know some people who have done this. I think it would be best to give myself more than one year, but I don't have more than one year. Oh well, a co-worker told me yesterday that even if you accomplish half of the things on the list it will be a great year. This is true but I am going to try to accomplish all of them. I have a lot of other things on the bucket list in my head but I tried to pick things that weren't too expensive and fairly easily accomplished. I decided to write it down and share it with anybody in the blogosphere who might be paying attention so that I might have a little accountability. So without further ado, here is the list....

1. Get my Scuba diving certification
2. Take a sewing class
3. Learn Calligraphy
4. Go to an NFL game
5. Go to an NBA game
6. Visit a new city
7. Visit a new state
8. Surprise somebody (really surprise them, in a big way)
9. Learn to play Tennis
10. Ride in a hot air balloon
11. Ride on a motorcycle (yes, I am totally afraid of them. I don't want to go my whole life without ever having even tried)
12. Send out Christmas Cards
13. Find a yummy Christmas creation to give as a gift to friends each year (You all know those people who give you the same thing they make every year, but it is so good you look forward to it. I wanna be one of those people.)
14. Take a pole dancing class (just for fun and exercise, people, I'm not looking for a new career.)
15. Dance in the Rain
16. Help my mom open her etsy store
17. Host a dinner party
18. Read five of Time's Top 100 Novels that I haven't read yet
19. Re-decorate my bedroom.
20. Write letters to friends in cursive. (My grandmother did this, and who doesn't love getting a random letter from a friend.)
21. Donate blood once a quarter.
22. Go white water rafting
23. Couch to 5K (everybody knows I'm not a runner, and I hate it, but I wish I was, and wish I could learn to like it.)
24. Attend church more often. (I know thats subjective, but I'll know if I'm doing it.)
25. Take a spur of the moment road trip with friends.
26. Create a vegetable garden.
27. Help a stranger in need.
28. Learn to make a very southern meal.
29. Go to Mt. Cheaha and go hiking. (I did this a lot as a kid, but haven't in forever.)
30. Allow friends and family help me come up with something else. (I have an old friend a fellow blogger who I read who did this. I thought it was a good idea. Thanks Kate if you read this.)

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